NAD+ANTI-AGING MAGIC BULLET PODCAST-7minutes NAD+ ANTI-AGING NEURO NUTIRIENT INFUSION | Future of Addiction Medicine: Integrated-Functional Approach to Comprehensive Addiction Treatment (
WE ARE THE FUTURE OF HIGH ACUITY ADDICTION MEDICAL CARE & EVIDENCE BASED NAD+ INFUSION CARE! *Advanced Medical Infusion Biomedical-Biotechnology! *Evidence Based, Researched, Validated & Reproduced! *Treating Addiction at The Molecular & Physiologic Core! *To be Used Only in Conjunction of Concurrent SAMHSA-ASAM Validated & JC Accredited Treatment Programing!
RESTORITROL: IV NTR3 NEURO INFUSION THERAPY "HEALS" 1. Repairs Dopamine RDS IE: Reward Dysfunction Syndrome 2. Restores All Down Stream "Feel Good Molecules" IE: Serotonin 3. Regenerates Dopamine Neurotransmitter Receptors IE: D2DR 4. Rebalances Dopamine Cascade Reward Circuitry IE: Limbic System 5. Reoptimizes All Neural Cell Mitochondria IE: Quadrillions 6. Recorrects and In Most Cases Eliminates PAWS IE: Cravings 7. Reactivates Cellular Anti-Aging Processes IE: RNA-DNA Production 8. Retitrates Medication Efficacy & Potency IE: Meds Work Better 9. Reimbursed by Insurance IE: CMS AETNA, CIGNA, UHC, BCBS, BEACON, TRICARE, HUMANA, ETC...
NAD+ NEURO NUTRIENT INFUSION=RESTORITROL: IV NTR3 NEURO THERAPY The Future of Addiction Recovery Infusion Healthcare! #nad #ivtherapy #infusiontherapy #ivdrip #ivhydration #addiction #addictionrecovery #addictionmedicine #addictiontreatment #mentalhealth #php #infusion #nicotinamideadeninedinucleotide #substanceusedisorders #detoxification #behavioralhealth #substanceusedisorder #detox
